Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Announcing Our Pregnancy

Ok so since we knew we would be in Utah for early Christmas we knew we had to tell the family that we were pregnant.  It was earlier than we wanted but we figured they would get mad at us if we waited a few weeks longer and didn't say anything while we were visiting.  Anyway over Thanksgiving Chase and I decided that it would be fun to make a photo flip book.  We planned it all out and did many trial runs before we went to Stoney Creek to take the pictures.  It was pretty darn cold but we braved it and even changed into summer clothes at one point.  I'm sure everyone thought we were crazy.  Well after we got that all taken care of we tried to assemble a book at the last minute before heading out to Utah but it didn't work like we wanted it to.  Since we had made a video of our flip book pictures and sent them to Chan we figured that we would just figure out a way to share our video with everyone.  First up was my parents.  After they had gone to bed we put the video on my dad's ipad, wrote a note saying to watch our video on top of the iPad and left it on the kitchen table where we knew they would find it the next morning.  I had just so happened to wake up right about the time I heard them watching the video.  It was funny hearing them be quietly excited.  Next was Jamie and Adam since they came over to spend the day with us.  I had taken pictures during my last stay for Myles and Lyla's birthday, so I figured this would be a great way to get them to look at the computer.  I told them that I had a really cute picture of Adam and Myles together so they both needed to see it.  Lo and behold there was no picture just our video.  They were excited for us and excited for the fact that Jamie is only due a month before me.  Everyone was of course sworn to secrecy because we didn't want the news spreading past the immediate family.  Later that night we had our group dinner which is when we told all of the Birks' minus Carissa, Chip and Riley.  This one we knew would be a little tricky getting all of them to focus on the computer at once.  We came up with the idea to tell them that we had a tour of our house and told them all to watch.  We got congrats all around and shared in the excitement with everyone.  Since Carissa, Chip & Riley weren't there to see the video, I emailed it to them and told them to watch a tour of our house.  Now you're probably wondering about Tiff and Rob, well…... they already knew.  Earlier when I was trying to figure out presents for the parents I had asked for pictures.  Tiffany called me up to talk about it and guessed that I was pregnant.  Lets just say it's really hard to keep such a big secret from everyone!  It's a good thing we live in Michigan otherwise I'm sure the secret would've been spilled long before it was.  I'm glad we got to share our news while we were there and that we could all share in our excitement.

The grandparents all got a phone call as soon as I was in my 2nd trimester, which then meant the news was free to be spread.  :)

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